The intended message for our video was to encourage the youths in the area to join the Student Nutrition Program, and to remove the stigma attached to the hunger situation.
We used a video, as you can see. Inside the video, we have Alex's character and Ms.Walker (from the Guidance Office) and they are explaining the program to the viewer.
This was the most stressful assignment i have ever had the displeasure of completing. Mainly because me and my fellow group members had thrown in a truck load of detailed ideas that were very good and well thought out, only to not be able to agree upon one until a week before the entire project was due. And the end result of our video- in my opinion -was mediocre. At least in comparison with the crazy, funny and jaw-dropping video ideas we had brainstormed together. We actually had an idea where terrorists come to the school during lunch period (I know it sounds crazy, but hear me out on this) and they just make a mess of everything. But then there is a student who for some reason is calmly eating his lunch while it is all going down. Then a message displays that would say something along the lines of: "What's stopping you from getting a SNP ticket?" What we finished with just doesn't seem to be on the same level as that idea, and there were many more which were just as good too. Anyway, in conclusion: I was not all that proud of the final product because I believe our video's high potential was definitely not reached.
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